2012 News Archive

Flexible Pavements of Ohio (FPO) maintains a comprehensive electronic library of relevant industry news. Select the following for current and archived news, information regarding FPO’s awards program, or to contact a member of our staff.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: December 13, 2012 Registration is now open for the Ohio Asphalt Expo on March 5-6, 2013 at the Columbus/Polaris Hilton Hotel located at 8700 Lyra Drive Columbus, Ohio, 43240. The Asphalt Expo is Ohio’s premiere asphalt pavement event with multiple concurrent educational sessions and an indoor and outdoor trade show and exhibition. If you construct, inspect, manage or maintain local or private transportation infrastructure the Ohio Asphalt Expo has the information you need to ensure a successful, long-lasting asphalt pavement. The educational program for the 2013 Ohio Asphalt Expo has been expanded to include a fourth educational track dedicated to pavement owners and asphalt contractors. In total, the program for the will contain 12 concurrent technical educational sessions with presentations by more than 20 national industry experts. Select the link for additional conference information and to register for this event.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: December 3, 2012 Applications are now being accepted for Flexible Pavements of Ohio’s (FPO) Asphalt Scholarship Program for the 2013-14 academic year. Undergraduate and graduate civil engineering and construction management students at participating Ohio universities are eligible to apply with qualifying coursework in asphalt pavement technology. The application period is Monday, December 3, 2012 to Friday, January 18, 2013. Interested applicants should visit FPO’s website at http://www.flexiblepavements.org/scholarships/hma-scholarships-program for complete program eligibility information and to apply for this scholarship.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: May 7, 2012 In 2011, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) released a study titled, Price Indexing in Transportation Construction Projects . The objectives of the research was to collect and analyze data on the use of price adjustment clauses from state DOT’s and highway construction contractors. The commodities evaluated in this research were cement, steel, asphalt, and fuel. The attached document contains information regarding this report as published in the Summer 2011 issue of Ohio Asphalt magazine.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: March 28, 2012 Effective March 28, 2012, Flexible Pavements of Ohio’s offices will be at the following location: 6205 Emerald Parkway, Suite B Dublin, Ohio 43016 FPO’s phone numbers will remain the same. Phone: 614-791-3600 Fax: 614-791-4800 Toll free: 888-4HOTMIX
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: January 6, 2012 Flexible Pavements of Ohio (FPO) is proud to present the Ohio Asphalt Expo 2012 on March 6 & 7 at the Polaris Hilton Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. The Ohio Asphalt Expo will be held in conjunction with FPO's 50th Annual Meeting and promises to be a highly educational and enjoyable event. The Ohio Asphalt Expo features eight educational sessions with more than 20 presenters on all aspects of asphalt pavement design and construction. If you manufacture, place, inspect, specify or do any other asphalt related work you will benefit from the topics covered in this conference. Register today and take advantage of special early registration savings. Download the Expo Program for more details or go to www.ohioasphaltexpo.org for up-to-date conference information or to register for this event.
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