Flexible Pavements of Ohio (FPO) has collected information regarding grant and loan programs to make local transportation project stakeholders aware of various funding opportunities for which their project may be eligible. This list of grant and loan programs have been compiled from a number of resources and include a brief description of each funding opportunity and a link or contact information for the appropriate administrating entity for additional program information.
Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Programs & Aviation Programs
Airport Grant Program
The Airport Grant Program provides approximately $1 million annually for obstruction removal and pavement maintenance projects at publicly-owned, public use airports.
Additional information regarding this program is available here
on ODOT's webpage.
Bridge Programs
County Local Bridge
This program provides approximately $34 million annually to counties for bridge replacement or rehabilitation projects. Limited pavement approach work is eligible for funding under this program.
The County Engineers Association of Ohio (CEAO) serves as the program manager on ODOT’s behalf and is responsible for project selection, funding criteria and program priorities. Additional program information can be found in the CEAO Federal Funding Policies Manual at http://www.ceao.org/.
Local Major Bridge
The Local Major Bridge Program provides Federal funds to counties and municipalities for bridge replacement or major bridge rehabilitation projects. A Local Major Bridge is defined as a moveable bridge or a bridge having a deck area greater than 35,000 square feet. ODOT will provide up to 80% of eligible costs for construction and construction engineering only. There is a maximum of $20,000,000 per project. Currently there are 54 bridges identified statewide as Local Major Bridges.
Additional information regarding this program is available here
on ODOT's webpage.
Municipal Bridge Program
The Municipal Bridge Program provides federal funds to municipal corporations and Regional Transit Authorities for bridge replacement or bridge rehabilitation projects. Bridges must be open to vehicular traffic. A funding limit of $2 million per project is set. ODOT will provide up to 80% of the eligible costs for construction and construction inspection only. Historically, the funding amount for this program has been approximately $10 million annually.
Additional information regarding this program is available here
on ODOT's webpage.
Multiuse and Recreational Trails
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program
The SRTS program approximately $4 million annual in federal funds to enable and encourage children in grades K-8, including those with disabilities, to walk or bicycle to school. Eligible infrastructure projects include walkways, trails and bikeways.
This program provides approximately $14 million annually for construction funding for eligible roadway improvements. The County Engineers Association of Ohio (CEAO) serves as the program manager on ODOT’s behalf and is responsible for project selection, funding criteria and program priorities.
Additional program information can be found in the CEAO Federal Funding Policies Manual at http://www.ceao.org/.
Local Roads Oil & Shale Program
this provides funding for roadways impacted by vehicular traffic from oil and gas production. Additional information regarding this program is available here
on ODOT's webpage.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Large Cities
This program annually sub-allocates federal program funds to each of Ohio’s seventeen Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and five large cities, outside MPO areas, to finance multi-modal transportation system improvement projects and programs in Ohio’s urban areas.
Additional program information is available here on ODOT's webpage.
Small City Program
This program provides approximately $8 million annually for roadway, safety or signal projects on Federal Aid System within municipalities with populations of 5,000-24,999 and located outside of an MPO Area.
Additional information regarding this program is available here
on ODOT's webpage.
Urban Paving Program
This program provides funding for eligible surface treatment and resurfacing projects on state and U.S. Routes within municipal corporations. The urban Paving Program is funded by an annual allocation distributed to each of ODOT’s 12 districts based on a district’s "City State and U.S. Route System" mileage, and the condition of those routes according to ODOT’s Pavement Condition Rating System.
Contact the ODOT District Planning & Program Administrator for additional information regarding this program within the geographic boundaries of the applicable district. A map of ODOT districts including contact information is available at http://www.dot.state.oh.us/districts/Pages/default.aspx.
Safety Programs
County Highway Safety Program
This program provides approximately $14 million annually in funds to counties for highway safety treatments or corrective activity designed to alleviate a safety problem or potentially hazardous situation. The County Engineers Association of Ohio (CEAO) serves as the program manager on ODOT’s behalf and is responsible for project selection, funding criteria and program priorities.
Additional program information can be found in the CEAO Federal Funding Policies Manual at http://www.ceao.org/.
Highway Safety Improvement Program
This program provides approximately $100 million annually to state and local governments for projects designed to alleviate a safety problem or a potentially hazardous situation. Eligible local projects may be on a city street, or county or township road.
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) provides competitive grant opportunities for local governments and businesses for projects which encourage the development and expansion of recycling markets. Pavements which include the incorporation of recycled materials such as scrap tires or tear-off asphalt shingles may be eligible to receive funding from this program.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Programs & Multiuse and Recreational Trails
NatureWorks Program
The NatureWorks grant program provides up to 75 percent reimbursement assistance for the acquisition, development, and rehabilitation of recreational areas.
Local government subdivisions (townships, villages, cities, counties, park districts, joint recreation districts, and conservancy districts) are eligible.
The Clean Ohio Trails Fund works to improve outdoor recreational opportunities for Ohioans by providing up to 75 percent matching funds for trails for outdoor pursuits of all kinds.
Local governments, park and joint recreation districts, conservancy districts, soil and water conservation districts, and non-profit organizations are eligible.
The Recreational Trail Program provides up to 80 percent matching funds for the development of urban trail linkages, trail head and trailside facilities; maintenance of existing trails; restoration of trail areas damaged by usage; improving access for people with disabilities; acquisition of easements and property; development and construction of new trails; purchase and lease of recreational trail construction and maintenance equipment; environment and safety education programs related to trails.
Cities and villages, counties, townships, special districts, state and federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations are eligible.
This program provides funding for the development and revitalization of local communities and critical infrastructure projects such as roads, flood and drainage and other public infrastructure improvements with a high community-wide impact.
This program provides more than $15 million annually in funding to local governments and businesses to complete public roadwork improvements to facilitate the expansion or attraction of a business.