The Advantages of HMA Recycling Part A- Richard Schreck PE, ASTEC Industries
How to Make HMA Recycling Work for You Part B- Richard Schreck PE, ASTEC Industries
Two-Lane Pavement Reconstruction and Widening Strategies Speaker: Patrick Bierl, PE, ODOT
Best Practices for Controlling Segregation Speaker- Dr. Shad Sargand PhD, Ohio University
Performance Engineered Mixes, Scott Quire, PE, Owner
Aging Analysis Approach for Warm Mix Asphalt, Everett Crews, PhD
Perpetual Pavements: Engineering Asphalt for Long-Term Performance, Dr. Richard Willis
Exploring PAVExpress, Dr. David Timm, PE
Continuous Density Measurement Technology, Craig Landefeld, PE
Paving Roundabouts – Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise, Todd Mansell
Darke County's 404LV APP, Dan Crago, PE & Jim Surber, PE, PS
↧ National Asphalt Pavement Association Engineering Activities- Brett Williams, NAPA
↧ Modified Polymer- Perpetual Pavement- Robert Kluttz, Kraton Polymers
↧ IC Rolling/Paver Mounted Thermal Profiling/GPR for Density- Curt Turgeon, PE, Minnesota DOT
↧ Bike Paths and Low Volume Mixes- Jim Marszal, PE, Flexible Pavements of Ohio
↧ Southern Ohio Low Volume Experimental Road (SOLVER)- Dr. Shad Sargand, PhD, Ohio University
↧ Welcome & Opening Remarks, Bob McQuiston, Ohio Division, Federaly Highway Administration
↧ Street Design Standards for Local Government-A Case Study, Randall Bowman, PE, City of Columbus
↧ Economic Benefits of Polymer Modified Asphalt, Mark Buncher, Ph. D., PE, The Asphalt Institute
↧ Pavement Smoothness, Brian Schleppi, Ohio Department of Transportation
↧ A Practical Approach to Managing Density- Tod Mansell, Caterpillar Paving Products, Inc.
↧ Balanced Mix Design- Dave Newcomb, PhD, TTI
↧ City of Columbus Porous Asphalt Pavement- Joshua Lockhart, P.E., CMT
↧ GTR in Mix Design of Local Streets- Munir Nazzal, PhD, Ohio University
↧ HMA Technology Developments in China- Gerald Huber, Heritage Research Group
↧ Segregation: Causes and Cures- Tim Murphy, P.E., Murphy Pavement Technologies
↧ Effect of Warm Mix Asphalt on Binder Aging- Ala Abbas, PhD, University of Akron
↧ Effect of Subgrade Stabilization on Pavement Thickness Design- Shad Sargand, PhD, Ohio University
↧ Thin Lift Overlays: Points to Ponder- Danny Gierhart, P.E., Asphalt Institute
↧ Use of Highly Polymer Modified HMA- Bob Kluttz, PhD, Kraton Polymers
↧ Constructability Issues & Consequences- Tim Murphy, P.E., Murphy Pavement Technology, Inc.
↧ Using Shingles in Asphalt Mixtures, Gerry Huber, Heritage Research Group
↧ Achieving Proper Compaction, Chuck Deahl, Fat Boy Roller Company
↧ Added Value Pavements- A Case Study, Vic Roberts, R.B. Jergens Contractors, Inc.
↧ Best Practices for Small Paving Jobs, Scott McLean, The McLean Company
↧ Successful Strategies for High Stress Pavements, Aric Morse, Ohio Department of Transportation
↧ PennDOT Longitudinal Joint Study, Garth Bridenbaugh, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
↧ Quality Tips by a National Award Winner, Shawn White, The Shelly Company
↧ Limitations of Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt Produced by Water Injection, Ala Abbas, University of Akron
↧ Bonding of Asphalt Pavement Layers- Buzz Powell, National Center for Asphalt Technology
↧ The Business Case for Going Green- Neil Drobny, The Ohio State University
↧ Upper Arlington’s Greenroads Program- Steve Carter, TriCar Limited
↧ A Look at Pave-IR in Ohio- Craig Landefeld, Ohio Department of Transportation
↧ Porous Asphalt for Local Streets- Nick Hutchinson, City of Ann Arbor, MI
↧ Rehab Strategies for Local PCC Streets- Tim Murphy, Murphy Pavement Technology, Inc.
↧ The Use of Atomic Force Microscopy to Evaluate Warm Mix Asphalt- Munir Nazzel, Ohio University
↧ Impact of Smoothness on Fuel Efficiency- R.Buzz Powell, NCAT
↧ Measuring Pavement Segregation- Dale Rand, TxDOT
↧ New Pavement Friction Measurements- Brian Schleppi, ODOT
↧ ODOT SPEC Use by Local Agencies- A.Abdulshafi, City of Columbus
↧ OH & NY Perpetual Pavements Developments- R.Green, ODOT & S.Sargand, OU
↧ Porous Asphalt- An Owners Perspective- Paul Wilkerson, MetroParks Serving Summit County
↧ Practical Design- Pete Rahn, HNTB
↧ Use of Reclamation- Robert Riley, Delaware Co. Engineer's Office
↧ National FHWA Technical Overview, John Bukowski, PE, FHWA
↧ Regional Issues/NCSC, Rebecca McDaniel, Ph. D. Technical Director, NCSC
↧ Wayne 30 Perpetual Pavement Update, Shad Sargand, Ph.D., Ohio University
↧ Designing for Smoothness, Eric Heckert, PE, ODOT D2
↧ Application and Design of Porous Pavement, Tim Murphy, PE, President, Murphy Pavement Technology
↧ Use of Tear-off Shingles, Larry Shively, VP, The Shelly Co.
↧ New Trends in RAP Management, Tim Murphy, PE, President, Murphy Pavement Technology
↧ WMA, National Perspective, John Bukowski, PE, FHWA presented by Joe Glinski, PE, FHWA
↧ WMA, Ohio Experience, Larry Shively, VP, The Shelly Co.
↧ Update on WMA Lab Foaming Research, Ala Abbas, Ph.D., Univ. of Akron
↧ Safety Edge Shoulders, National Perspective, Chris Wagner, Pavement and Materials Engineer, FHWA
↧ Safety Edge Shoulders, Local Ohio Roads, David Brand, PE, PS, Madison County Engineer
↧ Longitudinal Joint Construction, Mark Buncher, Ph.D, PE, Director of Engineering, AI
↧ Improving QC with Intelligent Compaction, Bob Horan, Regional Engineer, AI
↧ ODOT's Field Quality Control Supervisor, Julia Miller, PE, Pavement Engineer, ODOT
↧ Penn DoT's Quality Program, Frank Collella, Consultant, PAPA
No downloads.
↧ A Call to Action, Greg Cohen, American Highway Users Alliance
↧ Ohio's Transportation for the 21st Century, Keith Swearingen, PE, Chief Engineer, ODOT
↧ A Contractor's Perspective on Foamed WMA, Larry Shively, PE, The Shelly Company
↧ ODOT's Intentions for WMA, David Powers, PE, Asphalt Materials Engineer, ODOT
↧ Update on a City's History with Smoothseal, Eric Smith, City Manager, Englewood, OH
↧ ODOT 448 Density Specifications, Lloyd Welker, PE, ODOT Materials Management
↧ Green Paving Grows Beyond Parking Lots, Gary Thompson, PE, APA of Oregon
↧ What Makes a Successful Warranty, Lee Gallivan, PE, FHWA Indiana
↧ The Future of the Federal Surface Transportation Program, Richard Julianno, ARTBA
↧ Practical Conclusions from ODOT Research Projects, Roger Green, PE, ODOT Pavements
↧ A New Test for Asphalt Quality, Sang Soo Kim, Ph.D., PE, Ohio University
↧ Asphalt Overlays for Bridge Deck Waterproofing, Joel Dzekciorius, Chase Construction Products
No handouts.
↧ Perpetual pavement concept and the fatigue limit, Dr. David Newcomb, NAPA
↧ Life Cycle Cost advantages of Perpetual Pavement, Dr. David Timm, Auburn University
↧ Material Requirements to Meet Perpetual Pavement Performance Expectations, David Powers, PE, ODOT
↧ Results from the Wayne 30 perpetual pavement project, Dr. Shad Sargand, Ohio University
↧ Intelligent Compaction, Dale Starry, Vogele America
↧ A Contractor's Guide to Managing Risk, Donald W. Gregory, Esq., Kegler, Brown, Hill & Ritter.
↧ Alternative Fuels for HMA Production, Malcolm Swanson, VP Engineering, ASTEC Industries
↧ ODOT Specification Update, David Powers, Asphalt Materials Engineer, ODOT
↧ Efficient HMA Production, Bill Garrett, Partner, Meeker Equipment Co.
↧ Using RAP in Florida, Brian W. Jory, PE, Jory Engineering Sciences, Inc.
↧ Findings from the Warm Mix Demonstration: Ed Morrison, Shelly and Sands
↧ Findings from the Warm Mix Demonstration: Ludwig Figueroa, PH.D., Ohio University
↧ Pavement Friction Investigation, Robert Liang, Ph.D., University of Akron
↧ Paving Over Crack Filler, W. James Wilde, Ph.D, PE, Minnesota State University
↧ High Quality HMA Pavements, Bob McQuiston, PE, FHWA
↧ Economics and Availability of Asphalt Supply, Bill Haverland, Conoco-Philips
↧ Trinidad Lake Asphalt, Peter Grass, President, The Asphalt Institute
No handouts.
↧ Evotherm, Everett Crews, Ph.D., Technical Manager, Asphalt Innovations, MeadWestvaco Corp.
↧ Aspha-min, Barry McKeon, Technical Manager, Hubbard Construction
↧ Sasobit and How It Works, Larry L. Michael, Asphalt Consultant to Sasol Wax Americas, Inc.
↧ WMA Project Costs, Fred Frecker, PE, Executive Director, Flexible Pavements of Ohio
↧ Preventive Maintenance Process Analysis, David Hein, Applied Research Associates, Inc.
↧ New Computer Tools and On-line Training, George White, CEO, Pavia Systems
↧ Warm Mix Asphalt Trial, Larry Shively, Vice President Quality Control, The Shelly Company
↧ World Asphalt Binder Outlook, Bill Haverland, Conoco-Phillips, Inc.