One of the major factors contributing to the economic health and stability of a nation is an adequate, well maintained, transportation system, major components of which are highways, streets and airports.
All pavements should be designed on the basis of acceptable engineering criteria providing for the anticipated maximum needs of the future; they should be constructed to the same exacting standards, as economical as possible to the taxpayer or private owner.
These things can only be accomplished through competition, application of engineering facts and full economic consideration.
As Members of Flexible Pavements of Ohio, we subscribe to the following principles:
Our chief business responsibility is to our customers, our community and our country.
Honesty is our guiding business policy.
Being aware that high standards of design, inspection, and construction are a prerequisite to long life and satisfactory performance, every effort will be made, within engineering design and inspection limitations, to build into Hot Mix Asphalt pavements these qualities.
Fair play will be exemplified in all dealings with our respective employees, subcontractors and suppliers.
As members of a progressive industry working to assure every taxpayer or private user will receive the greatest possible value for each pavement dollar expended, we encourage research, new improved techniques and higher quality workmanship.
A continued dedication to efforts directed towards protecting environmental quality.
The informed and vigorous support of all sound legislative proposals affecting our industry and the people it serves.
Preservation of the free enterprise system. Pledging our support of efforts for the preservation of legitimate rights and freedoms.