2013 News Archive

Flexible Pavements of Ohio (FPO) maintains a comprehensive electronic library of relevant industry news. Select the following for current and archived news, information regarding FPO’s awards program, or to contact a member of our staff.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: December 11, 2013 The International Conference on Perpetual Pavement 2014 (ICPP 2014) has been scheduled for October 30-31, 2014, at the Hilton Columbus/Polaris in Columbus, Ohio. The previous International Conferences on Perpetual Pavement in 2006 and 2009 brought together over 250 experts from more than a dozen foreign countries and from at least 33 states, including representatives from 19 state departments of transportation. This conference will review progress in the research and implementation of perpetual pavements, including the design concept, modeling, and performance since the previous conference in 2009. The conference Technical Committee has issued a call for abstracts for the upcoming ICPP 2014. Abstracts should be 500 words maximum and include the title of the paper, authors’ names and affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author. Abstracts may be submitted via email to orite@ohio.edu by January 31, 2014. For more details on the conference, visit http://www.ohio.edu/icpp or ask for a brochure.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: December 2, 2013 Applications are now being accepted for Flexible Pavements of Ohio’s (FPO) Asphalt Scholarship Program for the 2014-15 academic year. Undergraduate and graduate civil engineering and construction management students at participating Ohio universities are eligible to apply with qualifying coursework in asphalt pavement technology. The application period is from Monday, December 2, 2013 to Friday, January 31, 2014. Interested applicants should visit FPO’s website for complete program eligibility information and to apply for this scholarship.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: September 6, 2013 Flexible Pavements of Ohio (FPO) is now accepting nominations for the 2013 Quality Asphalt Paving Awards, the Ecological Award, and the Master Craftsman Award. Nominations for the Quality Asphalt Paving Awards are being accepted for work performed during the 2013 construction season. Quality Asphalt Paving Award nominations are being accepted for Ohio Department of Transportation/Ohio Turnpike Projects, Local Roads or Streets, Commercial Parking Facilities, Special Use Pavements and Airport Pavements. The FPO Ecological Award was established to recognize asphalt production facilities that best demonstrate safe and responsible environmental practices. Facilities will be judged on design layout, clean operation, maintenance performance practice, and community awareness activities. The Master Craftsman Award recognizes contractors whose work has stood the test of time. The winner of this award will be acknowledged for a commitment to quality workmanship, exhibited by exemplary pavement performance. The award recipient will be selected from pavements with an existing surface course having given acceptable service for 15-years or more and continues to provide exceptional service. Additional information including award nomination forms and eligibility requirements are available here. Nominations for all award categories must be received at the FPO office by Thursday, October 10, 2013.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: June 18, 2013 The Asphalt Expo is Ohio’s premiere asphalt pavement event with multiple concurrent educational sessions and an indoor and outdoor trade show and exhibition. Organized by Flexible Pavements of Ohio (FPO), the Ohio Asphalt Expo provides pavement owners, public works professionals, contractors and pavement designers with information on state-of-the art industry practices and technologies to ensure successful, long-lasting asphalt pavements. The educational presentations at the Ohio Asphalt Expo are provided by speakers who are highly accomplished in their fields of expertise and are recognized as knowledgeable industry leaders. FPO is currently seeking presentation proposals for the 2014 Ohio Asphalt Expo scheduled for March 25-26, 2014 in Columbus, Ohio. Presentations may be submitted for one of three thematic tracks: Asphalt Plant Operations, Asphalt Paving Operations & Equipment, and Regulatory & Governmental Policy. All presentations should logically fit within one of the Expo themes, be topical in nature, and not be direct marketing for a specific company product or service. Please submit a presentation topic, suggested speaker/presenter, and brief description of the presentation by Friday, July 26, 2013 to Andrew Gall, Director of Customer Relations, by e-mail at andrew.gall@flexiblepavements.org or by fax at (614) 791-4800.
By Darren Caywood September 20, 2019
For Immediate Release: April 11, 2013 Updates to the Ohio Department of Transportation's 2013 Construction & Materials Specifications The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has approved updates for Supplemental Specification 800 for the 2013 Construction and Materials Specifications and Supplement 1055 that covers density testing under Item 448. Both of these updated specifications are dated April 19, 2013 and will be posted to the ODOT webpage as of that date. Advance copies of these updates can be found on the FPO webpage by selecting the following links- Supplemental Specification 800 and Supplement 1055. Of particular interest to the asphalt pavement community are the revisions of 702.01 in SS 800 that relate to asphalt binders. The new specification will allow Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) modified asphalt binder and Elvaloy™ modified binders as an alternate to polymer modified binders. Supplement 1055 is revised to require the establishment of the target density during the first 4 hours of production and to emphasize the requirement to take action to obtain the required minimum density. Please contact FPO for additional information.
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